Fifty-Ninth Collection

This was shot at the most famous temple in Kathmandu, Nepal. The staircase and the beautiful gigantic wooden door captured my eye and made a very good frame for photographing it. I converted it into black and white to add more vintage and raw look to the whole photograph.

In Venice the "sotoportego" is a kind of gallery which, passing under a building, connects a street (in Veniza it is called "calle") with another street or with a square (in Venice "campo"). Often the sotoporteghi are anonymous passages, sometimes they are small masterpieces. Like this one of the "Corte Nova" which, in the Castello district, connects "Corte Nova" with calle Zorzi.

There are moments when the sun comes out and the light is golden and beautiful and everything feels just right in the world
#Golden light Waterfront-2022

Una imagen panorámica de la ciudad de las 3 culturas "Toledo", imagen realizada desde uno de los lugares más privilegiados para poder observar la majestuosidad desde el mirador situado en una carretera que rodea el rio Tajo.

My peonies were not abundant this year, but the bush did create this glorious pink bloom. I love the 12ProMax ability to do close-up focus. And rain drops are always a fave. Even if created with a spray bottle.

The picture was taken from the rooftop of a hotel in the Casco Viejo historic district of Panama City, gazing back over to the modern buildings of the city.

Forever blowing bubbles. Having fun with the kiddos in the backyard and capturing a moment of brilliant light shining through the bubble.

This was taken at an early morning travel from the River Donan before we embarked to the port traveling north to the city of Istanbul.

Meet me where the sky touches the sea…
Situated in the north of Singapore facing the Johor Straits, Sembawang Park is a tranquil park away from the bustle of the city. With a beautiful beach side and a stunning view, it is a popular fishing ground and a great place for family and friends to get together. Blending nature with history, this calm and serene park gives visitors a glimpse of Singapore’s naval heritage such as the Sembawang Shipyard, which was a British Naval Base from 1938 to 1968.

This shot was taken on the back roads of Texas. I love old, abandoned, classic cars and she was just sitting there all by her lonesome, looking just as fierce as ever.

Angel Sky appears to me in morocco taghazout Beach .
I love the lights the Sky composition , and i m gladfull to had the opportunity to witnessed and pictured this holly moment

Island Magic
This photo was captured as the cruise ship I was on, was passing the island of Kauai, HI. The island at this angle was fairly nondescript and unimpressive until the setting sun hit it just right. Then it was jaw dropping. It was amazing to watch the light show unfold before my eyes. The photo was made with my iPhone 11Pro Max from a moving boat and hand held!

15 minutes outside of Calgary, Alberta is western Canada’s largest outdoor amusement park. My son and I had just spent a very fun day riding all the rides and eating way to much cotton candy when I captured our favourite ride bathed in evening sun and reflected on the pond. A perfect capture to end a perfect day!

“May your dreams be larger than mountains and may you have the courage to scale their summits.”
Swiss Alps in the clouds. View of the mountains from the plane, Switzerland.

“Experience is the father of wisdom.” As per this Belgium saying, I experienced the wisdom while walking on the Belgium streets and passing by this Cathedral surrounded by the “Angel Clouds” with my family on my elder daughter’s birthday! Collaboration of a beautiful monument with the sky’s imagination.

On my early morning walk, I loved how the whispy yellow wild flowers reached above the rest towards the sun, I crouched down and took this at a low angle…

My summer in Canada includes vibrant colours, simple shapes and strong leading lines as featured in this image of iconic Muskoka chairs and outdoor furniture.

Two sculptures by the artist Bruno Catalano in Venice, along the Riva degli Schiavoni. Its "suspended statues" placed in a strategic position give new framing to the splendid island of San Giorgio.

Un bonito lugar en Madridejos sus sierras que forman parte de los montes de Toledo, un lugar con muchas actividades lúdicas y donde se realiza el día 1 de mayo la excelente romería en honor de la Virgen de Valdehierro.

What can see old and useless to some, inspires beauty and creation in others. The details in this old truck were too much to not photograph

Autumn leaves started early this year and I just want one nice picture of it so, I took the chance on one tree that is available.

I was really drawn to the height and shadow of the architecture of this bank building. The clock added a splendid focal point to illustrate the scale and pov.

Just a Bit Tipsy
This is from the martini glass series. Photographed originally in color as a high contrast still life. Shot on iPhone 11Pro Max

Gerbera Daisies are one of my favourite flowers growing in my garden this year so I’ve taken many photos to capture their beauty. While the full color version was beautiful, I decided to try a softer, black and white version for this challenge.

“Well, the Ocean hides many secrets, and all of them are precious and beautiful.”
Sunset over Galway Bay. Salthill Promenade, Ireland

Peonies from my garden never disappoint, this image was taken in the late evening hours when the light was soft, accentuating the soft folds of the petals.

“When day is done there falls a solemn hush:
The birds are silent in their humble nest.
Then comes the Master Artist with his brush,
And paints with brilliant touch the golden west.”
by W.E. Hutchinson

A Glimpse into the Past
This was photographed in the Fulton Mansion State Historic Site which is located in Fulton on the Texas Gulf Coast, US. I was drawn to the lighting from the windows as it fell and illuminate the hats. Shot on iPhone 11 Pro Max.

A perfect summer day in the beautiful mountain town of Canmore, Alberta provided so many wonderful photo opportunities. As a proud Albertan and Canadian this landscape with the Canadian chairs was too perfect to pass up.