Maurizio Zanetti




🇮🇹 Italy



Selected photos in 2024



Selected photos in 2023



Selected photos in 2022



Selected photos in 2021



Selected photos in 2018

TOP5 photographer in 2024

TOP3 photographer in 2023

TOP3 photographer in 2022

TOP3 photographer in 2021

TOP10 photographer in 2018


Grand Master of Photography

1st place in Italy

With us

6 years

I shot photographs from when I was 6 years old. I played with Threepenny machines up to 18. Then I discovered the reflex camera (first an old Zenit E, then Olympus OM1, OM2). I discovered the black and white (the mythical Ilford), the dark room. From 20 years to 45 I snapped, developed and printed thousands of photos. Especially dance, theatre, portraits. Almost always black and white. When digital arrived I was very wary. Then, slowly, I discovered the advantages in the use of digital cameras and, sometimes, Photoshop. I'm not a pro but (I think) a good amateur and today, 68 years old, I'm still taking hundreds of photos with Olympus OM d – E-M 10 Mark III. I always love dance, theatre and portraits. But also the landscape, reportage and above all street photography. And now that I have the iPhone, sometimes with Hipstamatic app, I discovered a wonderful chance to take pictures whenever I want. I’m on FLICKR like Maurizio Zanetti – mauzzan

Winning photos

Burano is the island of the Venetian lagoon famous in the world for its colorful houses. In a hidden corner of it, colors are added to a fairytale balcony.

85th Collection

There are lesser-known corners of Venice, with less famous palaces but splendid architecture. Useful, necessary, beautiful to see and photograph.

85th Collection

Venice is always a jewel. But at night its illuminated buildings make it even more precious. In the photo the Ca' D'Oro.

84th Collection

Venice, Ca' Sagredo. A historic building that is now a Hotel. But where else can you find a Hotel like this if not in Venice? In the photo, the frescoes of the Scalone dei Giganti by architect Andrea Tirali, 18th century.

84th Collection

The wonderful daily work of bees as they pollinate from flower to flower.

84th Collection

In the Fortuny showroom in Giudecca (Venice) nothing is less than wonderful. From the location, to the furnishings. And even the staircase between the ground floor and the first floor is a masterpiece.

83rd Collection

Venetians Bubbles is the splendid installation by the artist Dokoupil in the halls of the Marciana library in Venice. Absolutely worth a visit.

83rd Collection

The Espace Louis Vuitton, not far from Piazza San Marco, is an exhibition space attached to the luxury shop. Until November it hosts a collateral exhibition of the Art Biennale, Ernest Pignon-Ernest. As well as being a true architectural jewel. In the photo the internal staircase.

82nd Collection

Palazzo Franchetti, a stone's throw from the Accademia bridge, is one of the most beautiful and impressive Venetian buildings. Built around the mid - 1400s and modernized several times over the years, it is now owned by the Veneto Institute of Sciences, Letters and Arts. Until the end of November it hosts some collateral exhibitions of the Art Biennale, which can be freely visited.

82nd Collection

Venice. A few steps from the Grand Canal is the Court of Duke Sforza. It seems impossible but in this courtyard someone has planted palm trees which, in just a few years, have already surpassed the second floor of the houses...

82nd Collection

In the Castello district it is probably (with the Giudecca) the last place in Venice not yet invaded and shocked by overtourism. Among its streets there are more shops for Venetians and fewer sellers of souvenirs for tourists, more real taverns than takeaways. Among its streets the language that is most heard is the sweet Venetian dialect. Between one house and another the clothes are hung out to dry.

82nd Collection

Venezia. The Church of Santa Maria delle Penitenti is a real little jewel in the Cannaregio district. Built around the mid-1700s as a place of worship attached to the college of penitents (which welcomed prostitutes who wanted to redeem themselves), until next November it is an exhibition site for the Art Biennale and hosts the works of Edith Karlson.

82nd Collection

Venice is a treasure chest containing hundreds of stupendous palaces and churches. Which in turn contain hundreds of frescoes, paintings, statues, gigantic Murano glass lamps. But even along its streets (which the Venetians call "calli") it is difficult to travel just a few meters without finding small masterpieces. Like this "sotoportego" towards Calle De L'Anzolo.

81st Collection

Palazzo Soranzo Van Axel is a palace in Venice. Built between 1473 and 1479 by Nicolò Soranzo, in 1652 it became the property of the Van Axel family, rich merchants from Holland. Usually not visitable, it is open to the public on the occasion of the 60th Art Biennale until November 24th.

81st Collection

Keepers of the Krown, is a work by Lauren Halsey exhibited inside the Arsenale of Venice on the occasion of the 60th Art Biennale. Can be visited until November 24th.

81st Collection

Forte San Procolo is one of the fortifications built by the Austrian occupiers between 1840 and 1841. During the First World War it was used as a military prison. Until the mid-80s of the last century it was used by the army as a workshop. Then abandoned and covered almost entirely by vegetation, only in recent years has it seen redevelopment work by volunteers and, recently, by the Municipality of Verona. Which occasionally opens it to visits.

81st Collection

Bruno Catalano is an Italian -French sculptor renowned for creating sculptures of figures with substantial sections missing. Until October 31st in Genoa it will be possible to admire 5 of his sculptures from the "Travelers" series. In the photo the one entitled Benoit.

81st Collection

"Stranieri Ovunque - Foreigners Everywhere" is the title of the 60th Venice Art Biennale. And it is also a series of installations created since 2004 by the Claire Fontaine collective. In the photo those at the Arsenale.

80th Collection

The Church of the Ospedaletto, or Santa Maria dei Derelitti, Castello district in Venice, based on an original design by Palladio and facade by Baldassare Longhena, was built at the end of 1500 on a previous hospital. Inside the splendid monumental spiral staircase.

80th Collection

Venice, the Grand Canal with the Campo della Pescaria in the background. We come across a gondola with tourists and a racing boat, probably a carolina, with 7 rowers in training.

80th Collection