Sheree Zielke




🇨🇦 Canada



Selected photos in 2020



Selected photos in 2019

TOP10 photographer in 2020

TOP5 photographer in 2019

With us

5 years

Studio Name

Visuals by Sheree

Retired DSLR photographer and camera teacher. Now I use my 12Pro 100% of the time.

Winning photos

I was leaving our local river park when I turned and saw this spectacular view. The iPhone upside down is so good at capturing both the angle of view and the exposure.

85th Collection

Our wild prairie skies. I took the screen out of our bedroom window so I can have unimpeded views of our beautiful autumn skies. Alberta, Canada.

85th Collection

Trochu, Alberta These historical old beauties can still be found in small town rural Alberta. The day was perfect for this ruddy red barn, with a gorgeous sky backdrop and rich foreground.

84th Collection

Sometimes you MUST take a shot. We were travelling on a back street in Bonner’s Ferry, Idaho, when this tower caught my eye. My husband had to make a U-turn for me to get the shot. Even then, I walked around for a bit trying to find the best angle so the clouds were cuddling the structure and everything was naturally framed.

83rd Collection

No kidding. Somebody took the time to fashion a plane with a skeleton pilot with a wolf man stuck in the propeller. Gotta love roadside art. Northern Utah.

83rd Collection

A tiny gravestone nearly lost in the shadows except for a warming ray of morning sunshine. Bonner’s Ferry, Idaho. Grandview Cemetery.

82nd Collection

We arrived in Bonner’s Ferry, Idaho in heavy rain. Stopped at the visitor’s centre where I spotted this fragile lily, translucent and covered in rain drops.

82nd Collection

A trip to our famous West Edmonton Mall with its very own ship.
The light is usually perfect for photography and the water adds that extra reflective element.

81st Collection

Road trip. Alberta has oodles of old churches, and in particular these handsome onion-domed churches. This is the Holy Trinity Russo Orthodox Church in Smoky Lake. Just gorgeous against that blue sky.

80th Collection

Another road trip this time up to Cold Lake. Alberta is so rich with abandoned aged buildings along the roadside. God provided the pretty blue sky and lacy clouds for a backdrop. The trees and the fencing were perfect frame edges.

80th Collection

Beauty of nature found in the front yard on the eaves drain downpipe. Snow followed by mild temps created this icy cascade.

79th Collection

I love old collapsed buildings heavily dressed in winter snow. The low sun gave this shot an ethereal glow. Taken along an Alberta highway.

78th Collection

Too cute to pass by, I had to capture this tribute to the movie, Cars. Saint Paul in Rural Alberta.

78th Collection

Sometimes, one need only look out their bedroom window. A beautiful morning sky that doesn’t last long, but what colors!

77th Collection

Who can resist a frosted wire fence stretching into the distance, bedazzled into diamonds by sunshine. I had to wait for this shot since the sun was being very shy that day.

76th Collection

A cerulean blue sky, some snowy foliage, and a handsome old yesteryear barn that has withstood the ravages of time and weather. Alberta countryside is filled with these gorgeous old buildings.

76th Collection

The day was grey and flat, but as we passed this graveyard, I noticed the sun attempting a breakthrough. I jumped from the car and waited. It was simply amazing. I stood in the snow for a long time delighting in the shots. Especially the long shadows resulting from the gravestones.

76th Collection

Wandering through the back roads is always fun. I couldn’t resist this old truck all dolled up for Halloween.

75th Collection

Sometimes a photo finds you. I had left a glass on my bathroom countertop just in front of a nightlight. A pair of my earrings looked perfect in the light rays. My old harlequin clock provided a backdrop. The pattern proved a nice contrast to the wedges of shadow and light.

75th Collection

Near Sylvan Lake in our province of Alberta affords many photo opportunities, especially at sunset. But I had to chase this one to find a dramatic foreground subject. We found this ditch with its watery tree reflections down a gravel road. Perfect.

74th Collection