Ninety-Ninth Collection

La belleza del enclave natural del "Barranco de las Vacas" por su peculiar formaciones rocosas modeladas por la naturaleza y el transcurso de años , se encuentra entre las localidades Agüimes y Temisa en la isla de las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Meet Miss Scarlett, our purebred Maine Coon cat. Her handsome lioness features were accentuated by warm afternoon sunshine. A shot was imperative.

Saint Gregory Palamas Church, Thessaloniki
The church’s iconic red dome stands out in the skyline and is a popular spot for pigeon gatherings - perhaps they, too, are seeking spiritual enlightenment!
The church is dedicated to Saint Gregory Palamas, a revered theologian and Archbishop of Thessaloniki in the 14th century.

Lone Bison
On a winter tour of Yellowstone National Park, this lone bison came strolling down the snow covered road and fortunately passed right next to my window on the snow coach tour bus, and I was able to get the close-up shot, even through a streaky window!

Found this cyclist on a cold foggy morning going over a bridge. It was nearly monochromatic so I decided that I liked it best in black & white.

The world’s fanciest alarm clock, standing tall to remind Londoners they’re late for tea.
It’s slightly off by a fraction of a second each year. Even Big Ben isn’t perfect!

Sometimes turning your back on the winter sunrise you may see the most amazing sky pastels and cloud formations.

This is a little pavillion at the Königstein Fortress in Saxonia, Germany- it was a quite cold day and I loved the shadows.

Edinburgh Cathedral, Scotland
St Giles’ Cathedral has a crowned steeple that looks like it’s wearing a royal tiara - fit for its nickname, the “High Kirk of Edinburgh.