Thirty-Ninth Collection

A morning walk across the meadows behind the house is perfect when the fog rises and the sun rises. Take this shot with an iPhone 6s.

The advantage of always having your smartphone with you is not in being reachable for a phone call but in being able to have a decent camera. So it can happen that you walk along the path along the walls of Verona at an hour when the setting sun gives lights and shadows on an old wall. And an emotion becomes photography.

Florence, Italy
The beautiful Basilica of San Miniato al Monte looks over the city from the hills where it is perched.
Firenze, Italia
La bellissima Basilica di San Miniato al Monte guarda la città dai colli dove è appollaiata.

On a seaside walk I noticed the sunrise developing a pink tinge~ then this amazing pink sky arrived followed by the duck parade -Liberty Bay Pacific Northwest, Pink Sunrise -2020

Tarde de actividades en la montaña Redonda en Miches de la Republica Dominicana, entre ellas este fabuloso columpio que quedas suspendido en el aire a unos pocos metros de altura del suelo, esto es solo para los más atrevidos y hacerse la fotografía.

Lamplight glistens on the wet planks of the Boardwalk at Jersey City one recent rainy morning. The buildings of Manhattan loom out of low-lying clouds in the background.

I took this photo at a beach in Adelaide – Australia. South Australia is a special bit of our country with magical views everywhere. No matter how many times you watch sunsets in Adelaide, you will not be disappointed.
'It is almost impossible to watch a sunset and not dream.' — Bernard Williams

Infinity. This is an art piece in hotel lobby. The number of lines pointing in different directions makes me think of the idea of infinity.

My clients daughter on a recent shoot for a cotton candy product. Capturing the audience and the essence of the product in only the way a child knows how.

Plantita Goodie’s aloe vera plant photographed from the garden after a dinner with friends - meeting after some time of not seeing each other due to the pandemic.

“Purple sunset” has been taken this year on Halloween at Meco Beach - Atlantic Ocean in Portugal. Amazing colors, painted by nature.

This beautiful image showcasing the spores of a fern plant was taken in a garden center in the UK. I loved the contrast of the colors: brown spores on lush green leaves!

The challenge of perspective, I like it. For me, the photography is not only fun, very good fun, but learning to see the world too...

UAE is full of skyscrapers and every inch of it gives surprises and feelings of huge and grand. These tall buildings in Dubai Downtown forced us to salute those people who have given their sweats and hard work for making this dreamland.

Contrada Cenise di Sotto, a group of beautifully restored ancient houses respecting what they were. With a small museum that reminds passers-by of the culture and work of those who lived in the past in those houses. To get there, take a small road that starts from Bosco Chiesanuova, about thirty kilometers from Verona. It is nice to go there in every season but it is with autumn that the colors literally leave you breathless.

Lofoten Islands, Norway
A very long sunset in the early afternoon colors orange on the very short winter day above the Arctic Circle.
Isole Lofoten, Norvegia
Un lunghissimo tramonto nelle prime ore del pomeriggio colora di arancio la cortissima giornata invernale al di sopra del Circolo Polare Artico.

On a rainy morning, I captured a nice photo of my favorite spot at Exchange Place in Jersey City, the wooden planks of the pier drawing your eyes toward the fog-shrouded skyscrapers of Manhattan in the background.

I took this photo at a Great Ocean Road, just outside Melbourne – Australia. GOR is one of the most scenic parts of Australia with magical coastal views on every corner.
‘It's hard to tell the difference between sea and sky, between voyager and sea. Between reality and the workings of the heart.’ — Haruki Murakami.

Working with some fantastic clients on a shoot for their product launch All Around The Fire. This shot really captured it for me.

Do you know what time it is? Crossing this bridge will be the best thing to do in the daytime on this Sundial bridge in Northern California.

I love autumn because its colors are the best background to show life. Also in the big city. I took this photo near the Silesian Museum in Katowice / Poland.

During these Covid times, when all of us are bound to be at home and avoid gatherings and parties, the best way to enjoy festivals is at home decorating home and your surroundings. This 2020, Deewali was celebrated at home and decorating home with diyas and candles.

Florence, Italy
On a cloudy autumn day, on the Arno river that flows along with the ancient beauties of the city, a hot-air balloon slowly follows the light wind of the morning.
Firenze, Italia
In una nuvolosa giornata autunnale, sul fiume Arno che scorre lungo le antiche bellezze della città, una mongolfiera segue lenta il lieve filo di vento del mattino.

A person watches as the sun rises over lower Manhattan, sending a blade of gold across the Hudon river toward Jersey City. In this photo, the lines of the sunshine, of the shadows of New York's skyscrapers on the water, of the railings and of the light shining through the railings draw in the eye.

I took this photo at a beach in Adelaide – Australia. South Australia is a special bit of our country with magical views everywhere. No matter how many times you watch sunsets in Adelaide, you will not be disappointed.
‘You want to be the pebble in the pond that creates the ripple for change.’ — Tim Cook

My daughter is loving baking and we are always looking for things to make. These grisini were a fab throw together bake (the best kind in my mind, not too much measuring) and were a great accompaniment to some hummus.