Thirty-First Collection

Dozza, a small village on the Apennines between Tuscany and Romagna, is a treasure chest with entirely frescoed houses. Since 1965 it has hosted the Biennale of the Painted Wall, with artists from all over the world who continue to transform it into a true open-air art gallery. Photo taken with iPhone 4 during a visit of mine back in 2012.

Toscana, Italia
Il tramonto sul mare è sempre un momento di emozione. Il sole cala lentamente verso le onde, fino a che smbra immergersi colorando di rosso tutto il cielo.
Tuscany, Italy
The sunset over the sea is always a moment of emotion. The sun slowly descends towards the waves, until it dives inwards, coloring the whole sky red.

This magical light and the soft cloud contrast draw your eye along the pier ~ promising an adventure -iPhone 11
“Pier Light”

I love sunsets! Everything about them can improve my day. I can sit in the quiet, listen to the crashing waves, and watch the dynamic colors change before my eyes. Palm trees always add a little more enjoyable for me too.

Sometimes the sun combined with snow haze can turn an everyday common spot into something magical. Add some moody lines and shadows and voila. This is a neighborhood baseball park in Alberta Canada.

A tranquil moment at the foothills of Harder Kulm, Switzerland on a lovely Autumn day. The lake was perfectly still and just standing there felt like time stood still. I’m glad to capture that stillness in the photo!

This photo was outcome of challenging my limitations, when you cannot go out to shoot and want to stretch your creativity.
‘Life is a full circle, widening until it joins the circle motions of the infinite.’ – Anais Nin

The view in Bath City Centre from the UNESCO World Heritage Site Mark. A popular view with locals and tourists. I was lucky to capture it so quiet.

A breathtaking view from the Mitsui Garden Hotel Ginza, Tokyo.
Tokyo a city that never sleeps. I was fortunate to experience this wonderful city and immerse myself in its culture, heritage, and lifestyle. I wandered the city far and wide and enjoyed the pleasure of what it had to offer. Asian hospitality at its best, where the language is not a barrier even if English is not what they speak. A city I would love to revisit in better times.

Light painting has fascinated me for a very long time and this is one of my first attempts to paint with light. For this, I used an iPhone XS and NightCap.

I can’t forget the city which got famous after Game of Thrones, Dubrovnik, Croatia. It has one of the oldest cities and streets. It’s been a great feeling to roam around between those old walls.. one of my great click shot by iPhone...

I took this picture while strolling along the city streets. It’s about noontime at the Manila Cathedral inside the historical walled city of Intramuros, Manila, Philippines.
During quarantine in lower Saxony (Germany) daily walks with my dog are still allowed. So I decide to discover my area in a completely decelerate way. That was my key to find a new perspective of this windmill built in the year 1700. The picture was taken with an iPhone Xs and Hipstamatic.

Hamnoya, Isole Lofoten, Norvegia.
Ai primi di Novembre, il sole rimane sempre basso sull'orizzonte a queste latitudini. Questa immagine, che sembra quasi un tramonto, è in effetti stata scattata alle 14.00.
Hamnoya, Lofoten islands, Norway.
In early November, the sun always remains low on the horizon at these latitudes. This image, which looks almost like a sunset, was actually taken at 2:00 P.M.

This beautiful resort is off the beaten path on the less traveled CO 141, in Gateway. On an annual motorcycle trip, we wind down this road to southern Colorado, and we stopped at the resort to check out the automotive museum. It’s a breathtaking area, with beautiful red rock formations, that is miles away from Utah’s eastern border.

I took this photo at a festival in Dubai, a mini project to capture skills of Egyptian dancers along with their colorful costumes.
‘All motion is time in motion.’ ― Khalid Masood