🇨🇦 Canada
Selected photos in 2024
TOP10 photographer in 2024
With us
2 years
With a graphic design and commercial printing background, I’ve always enjoyed photography as a dslr point and shoot hobby. The pandemic provided a timely opportunity to develop my skills through iPhone Photography School’s online courses. Today, I prefer capturing and creating images with my iPhone 12.
Winning photos
This is an heirloom Sensation Lilac known for single purple flowers with white borders. It’s been part of the Canadian landscape for generations.
81st CollectionGeorgian Bay is located entirely within the borders of Ontario, Canada and known for deep blue waters, west winds, white pines and long sand beaches. Year round, it’s a favourite location to photograph.
80th Collection“When you photograph people in colour you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in black and white, you photograph their souls!”
by Ted Grant one of Canada’s greatest post-war photojournalists.
I liked the calming effects of muted colours which give viewers the chance to slowly take in everything within the photograph and appreciate all of its details.
79th Collection“As the pastel colours take over the sky, there is something that brings out joy and peace to the body and soul.”
by Suvarna Arora
“In the bleak mid-winter / Frosty wind made moan / Earth stood hard as iron / Water like a stone / Snow had fallen, snow on snow / In the bleak mid-winter / Long ago.” ❄️
by Christina Rossetti published 1872
One of the very rare days of sun in Ontario (Canada) this winter, I liked the golden, heavy sky, the silvery smooth foreground and the curls of the iron boat sculptures.
76th Collection“Autumn... the year’s last, loveliest smile.”
by William Cullen Bryant 🍁
“It was a beautiful, bright autumn day, with air like cider and a sky so blue you could drown in it.” 🍁
by Diana Gabaldon
“And all the lives we ever lived and all the lives to be are full of trees and changing leaves.” 🍁🍂
by Virginia Woolf
“Is not this a true autumn day? Just the still melancholy that I love - that makes life and nature harmonize.” 🍂🍁
by George Eliot
This water tower is located in Washago (from Ojibway meaning a place of ‘clear and sparkling water’). Once used by the railroad it is the 1st stop northwest of Toronto for Via Rails’s CANADIAN.
73rd Collection“At sunrise the blue sky paints herself with gold colours and joyfully dances to the music of a morning breeze.”
by Debasish Mridha
I love the sunrise, as I am definitely a morning person! It’s a great time to get up and have a coffee on the dock before the world wakes up.
73rd CollectionThe Canadian Shield is a huge rock formation stretching from Labrador to the Arctic covering parts of 5 provinces and the Northwest Territories. This is a scenic view facing west towards Port
Carling (Ontario) from the Huckleberry Rock Cut. 🇨🇦
“A bud is a flower-to-be. A flower in waiting. Waiting for just the right warmth and care to open up. It’s a little fist of love waiting to unfold and be seen by the world. And that’s you.”
by Christopher Paul Curtis
“Like the ivy, life is a composite of strengths, weaknesses, endurance, compassion and love.”
by Lu Cile Ivey from Ivy on the Wall
In this natural composition of a flat lay photo I liked the light and the contrasting shapes, textures and sizes of the leaves.
68th Collection“A summer leaf embraced by the frozen ice keeps memories warm.” by Avi (aka Edward Irving Mortice) 🍁
67th Collection“The crows above the wood lot are out on flapping wings and in the dooryard maple an early robin sings. Beside the barn the cattle stand warming in the sun and it is clear that spring is here and sugaring has begun.” by Florence Boyce-Davis 🍁
67th Collection