Thirty-Third Collection

Waiting for the first tourists, the newly painted beach cabins give a touch of color. And a taste of the old holidays. Photo was taken in Sottomarina (Chioggia) with iPhone7, no post-production.

Favignana Island, Egadi archipelago, Sicily, Italy
The Sicilian island juts out into the transparent and beautiful sea, towards another of the islands of the archipelago. The sunset makes everything wonderfully sweet.
Isola di Favignana, Arcipelago delle Egadi, Sicilia, Italia
L’isola siciliana si protende nel mare trasparente e bellissimo, verso un’altra delle isole dell’arcipelago. Il tramonto rende tutto meravigliosamente dolce.

Some images invoke a feeling of peace that is very powerful. I felt this when I walked onto this dock on a beautiful spring day in the Pacific Northwest. Peace and healing capture for our world are important.
“Dock peace” 2020

As part of our last summer vacation, we drove through Yellowstone. We stopped to walk the boardwalks around the sulfur ponds. The mineral content makes the water look inviting but it’s very hot, so I wouldn’t advise going for a swim.

Los atardeceres en la zona de Madridejos son espectaculares, en concreto este bonito atardecer está realizado en el rio Amarguillo que pasa al lado del pueblo, lugar donde nací, crecí y también donde trabajo, un pueblo muy bonito de la tierra de Don Quijote de la Mancha.

The ornamental Crabtree in our front yard has such short-lived blossoms. But the color and the fragrance are so memorable. And photogenic.

Lake Perućac, Serbia, 2020.
Morning 5:30 preparations for fishing from a house on the lake floating on the water.
Sunrise through the fog.

I took this photo at a beach in Melbourne – Australia, one of my favorite spots in the city. An amazing evening, priceless memories topped by beautiful sunset … take me back, please.
‘Memories, the one thing that can never be taken away from us. Make lots of them’ – Catherine Pulsifer

This canvas style picture was taken in Venice during a family vacation. A beautiful city immersed in water, historic buildings, radiant culture, and abundance of warmth.

From Prague’s Old Town Square at dusk with less than a minimal amount of tourists frolicking the square and lights highlighting the architecture off.

This picture has been taking during my daily walks with my dog to the lakes called “Annateiche” in Hannover. I tried to capture the evening mood in a black and white image and I used an iPhone Xs together with the Hipstamatic app.

Daughter shouted: „Mom, come here quickly and get a phone!". I ran upstairs scared of what's going on and she said: "Look out of the window and take a picture of it quickly!”

This magnificent golden sunset view was shot at Rutland Water, United Kingdom. A setting sun has always evoked a feeling of happiness and hope in me. As I watched this radiant sunset at the horizon and the graceful waves, my spirits soared up thinking: Isn’t a “sinking sun” promising of “rising sun” the next day?

This is Shoshone Falls in Idaho. It has been called the “Niagara Falls of the West.” This was our second stop here in an attempt to see them and although they were more majestic than the last time we stopped, we still have not seen the falls at full capacity. Maybe next year.

Día de lluvia en Madridejos, imagen realizada en la Plazuela del Toledano a través del cristal mojado del vehículo, no hace mucho tiempo un árbol se secó y un amigo que trabaja en él aula de Naturaleza en Madridejos, aprovechando el tronco del árbol le convirtió y pintó como un lapicero, dandole un toque especial a la Plazuela.

I took this photo near the town of Grantville which is located on the eastern coast of western port and is on the main highway route between Melbourne and Phillip Island. A spontaneous trip back in summer while chasing sunsets. ‘Sunsets are always better shared.’ ― Wayne Gerard Trotman

St. Barbara’s Cathedral altar with the last supper surrounded by the image of the apostles located in Kutna’ Hora in the Czech Republic.

Here we have a famous architectural sensation, “Pulteney Bridge” in the wonderful city of Bath, United Kingdom. Fantastic Georgian architecture with shops across its full span on both sides. Do you see the eye-catching view of River Avon, flowing below the bridge? And the stunning radiance, that the gushing water emits? That's the beauty of the place.

I was hiking in the Nu’uanu Valley on Oahu when we walked into a bamboo forest. There were a lot of young bamboos. I stopped to listen to the wind whip through the trees causing them to sway back and forth and collide. As I looked up to watch the tops of the trees and saw the sky peeking through, I thought it was picture perfect, so I pulled out my iPhone and snapped a few shots.