Maurizio Zanetti




🇮🇹 Italy



Selected photos in 2024



Selected photos in 2023



Selected photos in 2022



Selected photos in 2021



Selected photos in 2018

TOP5 photographer in 2024

TOP3 photographer in 2023

TOP3 photographer in 2022

TOP3 photographer in 2021

TOP10 photographer in 2018


Grand Master of Photography

1st place in Italy

With us

6 years

I shot photographs from when I was 6 years old. I played with Threepenny machines up to 18. Then I discovered the reflex camera (first an old Zenit E, then Olympus OM1, OM2). I discovered the black and white (the mythical Ilford), the dark room. From 20 years to 45 I snapped, developed and printed thousands of photos. Especially dance, theatre, portraits. Almost always black and white. When digital arrived I was very wary. Then, slowly, I discovered the advantages in the use of digital cameras and, sometimes, Photoshop. I'm not a pro but (I think) a good amateur and today, 68 years old, I'm still taking hundreds of photos with Olympus OM d – E-M 10 Mark III. I always love dance, theatre and portraits. But also the landscape, reportage and above all street photography. And now that I have the iPhone, sometimes with Hipstamatic app, I discovered a wonderful chance to take pictures whenever I want. I’m on FLICKR like Maurizio Zanetti – mauzzan

Winning photos

In the shadow of an old house in the beautiful Murano, a glass player gives the soundtrack to the island of glass. And the enchantment of sound is added to the charm of the glasses worked by generations of "master glassmakers"

13th Collection

The most precious commodity, drinking water, was once provided by women. They carried it on the head, with great skill, in a clay pot: in the lands of Lazio it is still called "cannata".
Today the race with "cannata" is a game. Repurposed at the Tocatì of Verona last September.

13th Collection

The best time to photograph a city is when its inhabitants still sleep. It is then, without the distraction of traffic and people, that you can admire the poetry of its monuments. Picture taken with iPhone, no post production.

9th Collection

Behind the scenes of a dance essay. Waiting for the magic moment, we observe in silence. Picture taken with iPhone, no post production except the transition from color to black and white.

8th Collection

Dance is art but also play, friendships that are born and grow over the years. The backstage is the best place to find out. Picture taken with iPhone, no post production except the transition from color to black and white.

7th Collection

After a snowfall on the Lessinia plateau, a few kilometers north of Verona. Snow, clear sky, the contrails of some planes, silence. Picture taken with iPhone, no post production.

5th Collection