Geri Mikelson



Vancouver, Washington

🇺🇸 The United States



Senior Member

1 left until the Grand Member

4th place in The United States

With us

9 months

I am an amateur photographer located in Washington state. Photography is my passion since retiring from a long career in nursing.

Winning photos

Astoria, Oregon - where the Columbia River meets the Pacific Ocean. Walking along the river walk one morning.

74th Collection

My husband walking down a narrow path at Mission San Juan Capistrano in California. Edited for a more artistic image.

74th Collection

This gentleman was selling his artwork at a highway overlook in Nevada. He was kind enough to let me take his photo. I loved his weathered face and haunting eyes.

74th Collection

Visitor center at Red Rocks Amphitheatre. I loved the light and shadows as a young woman started to descend this stairway.

74th Collection

I don't get the opportunity to shoot in urban environments that often. I was really drawn to the contrasts in this scene though. The juxtaposition of an older building sandwiched between two modern, the contrast between light and dark, and multiple patterns.

73rd Collection

I liked the way the light fell on this sunflower and wanted to showcase it's details.

73rd Collection

Taking an early morning walk at low tide with my sister, we came across these interesting sand patterns.

73rd Collection

Macro photography is one of my special interests. Even the backs of flowers I find interesting, Captured this in a restaurant waiting to order.

72nd Collection

One of my favorite places to photograph is the Columbia River Gorge. This is Multnomah Falls, the tallest waterfall in the state of Oregon. It is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

72nd Collection