George Standen




🇬🇧 The United Kingdom


Senior Member

17 awards left until the Grand Member

2nd place in The United Kingdom

With us

6 months

I’ve been taking photographs for in excess of forty years, mainly using SLR and DSLR cameras. More recently I’ve found that I’m using my I phone more than my DSLR. I love the size of the I Phone and the many apps you can use for different effects. Sadly my DSLR cameras are staying at home more and more.

Winning photos

View of Llandudno from the Great Orm, North Wales.

82nd Collection

Jetty Rhos on Sea, North Wales, long exposure.

82nd Collection

Runcorn Widnes bridge, Cheshire, Long Exposure.

82nd Collection

Xavier, Spain.

81st Collection

Lyme Park, Cheshire.

80th Collection

Jetty, Marine lake, West Kirby, Wirral.

80th Collection

A park covered in mist provides good opportunities for black-and-white photography.

79th Collection

Abstract view of shoes on an escalator.

79th Collection

A panoramic shot of Solomon Temple in Derbyshire. The position of the clouds provided an ideal opportunity for a black-and-white image.

78th Collection

A weekend away in Yorkshire, provided an ideal opportunity to take up panoramic shot over the village of Staines.

78th Collection

Abstract view of modern apartments at Salford Quays, Manchester.

78th Collection

Clouds disappearing into the horizon over the pier at Llandudno, North Wales.

77th Collection

A calm day over Salford Quays, Manchester. The tall buildings provide a mirror like reflection in the canal.

77th Collection

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