Suzanna Dörig




🇨🇭 Switzerland

With us

1 year

A few years ago, I became a passionated photographer more or less out of curiosity whether I’m capable and having an eye for photography. With my former IPhone XSMax I started taking the online courses at the IPhone Photography School in order to gain more knowledge about photography as well as to improve taking more interesting pictures. Meanwhile, I’m working with an IPhone 12Pro as well as with a DLSR Canon EOS6D.
When I’m enjoying a nice walk, I prefer to taking pictures with my IPhone 12Pro. First of all I’m always carrying it with me and secondly it’s compact and very low-weighted. And finally, the quality of the iPhone camera is very good.

Winning photos

Early morning somewhere in Black Forest.

The only sound you will hear is from the birds. I love these moments of silence and feeling completely down to earth.

81st Collection

Rheinfall - it is so impressive to see and feel the power of water.

It’s definitely worth it, to embark on a sightseeing tour by boat during 70 minutes.

81st Collection

Winding walking path towards the Greifensee. One of those days when you get outside to get some fresh air and get home with many impressions in your heart and camera.

80th Collection

First signs of spring. The blossoms of the tree are reaching out to sun as much as I did on that specific day.

80th Collection

Last month, I was at the Campus Irchel of the University of Zurich getting educated to preparing pictures for the web.

The weather was very nice so I arrived earlier at the campus in order to take pictures of the beautiful park. What made me very happy was the slight fog above the water.

Full energised I started and enjoyed the course.

79th Collection

Zurich by night. The moment when you’re on your way home and have this fantastic view from the Quai-bridge towards the city of Zurich and become completely fascinated from the view. Many people were standing there and enjoyed the wonderful view or took pictures. I’m very happy to share this photo with you and show the beauty of Zurich.

78th Collection

Get to work by train early morning and start the day with this magnificent view.

77th Collection

Here comes the sun… and I say, it’s alright.

I love to see the day starting with sunrises like these.

77th Collection

Let’s go outside.

In Switzerland 🇨🇭 sometime there is a warm wind and the clouds look like the one on the left side. What I thought it was special in the scene is the bird crossing the path of the airplanes far above in the sky.

76th Collection

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Outside it’s rainy and stormy weather, but inside it’s warm and cosy.

76th Collection

Advent in Zurich. I love the atmosphere during the advent time. Lights all over, people enjoy to buying sweets and something warm to eat, while they’re talking to friends.

75th Collection

Advent in Zurich. I love the atmosphere during the advent time. Lights all over in this little Christmas village in front of the Opera of Zurich. People are trying to find nice presents and enjoy the view towards the city. Cold temperatures that fit to our fantasy of how Christmas should be. Snowy and cold landscapes. I guess that’s why I was so thrilled this year to take this image. I’m happy to share it with you.

75th Collection

One of those sunsets that makes one completely speechless and grateful when you can witness these special moments that nature presents us.

74th Collection

Early morning in September in Wil, canton of St. Gallen. Only few people were heading to their jobs in a still sleeping little village.

What I liked most was the warm apricot coloured house wall and the stairs leading up to the timbered houses. I also liked the peaceful atmosphere of the village.

74th Collection

Busy bumblebee. Carrying seeds from one flower to another one. Their job is so important and definitely underestimated.

73rd Collection

Meeting the duck. This lady duck was curious to find out what I was doing there. As soon as found that out, she relaxed and posed for a little moment.

73rd Collection

Even on a cloudy day the city of Zurich is beautiful. In this image the river Limmat is shown. It’s even possible to do a little sightseeing tour by boat. This tour, by the way, is still on bucket list 😉

72nd Collection

My picture shows the main entry of the main station in Zurich. What I like so much are the forms within the entry. For some the lines of the tram are disturbing, but to me they show our great public transport system, that in general runs like Swiss watches.

72nd Collection

While my colleague and I were enjoying a nice meal during the social event of our department in Zurich, I witnessed this magnificent starting sunset through the leaves of the = I guess it’s whine = yard.

Our conversations were full of laughter and this moment of the starting sunset made our evening just perfect.

71st Collection

Nostalgic vehicle in modern times in the middle of the old town of Zurich.

Looking at this Rikscha in Switzerland one immediately feels connected to the country of its origin.

What made me become aware of the Rikscha was that it was somehow hidden.

70th Collection