Zoe Calichman




Number One Iphone Photographer in 2023

New York City, New York

🇺🇸 The United States



Selected photos in 2023

Number One Iphone Photographer in 2023



With us

1 year

Winning photos

A tree under autumn sun… where I spent three days on a silent retreat. I did not miss talking and I was able to see and listen so much more.

65th Collection

Lady Mendl’s Tea Salon in Manhattan; chic and full of beautiful corners. Met an old friend to talk about the past and saw time passed by quietly.

65th Collection

A tiny church in the Dolomites offering travelers a place to rest and reflect.

65th Collection

Venice, the most romantic and photographable city.

65th Collection

My visit to the Dolomites in northern Italy where I thoroughly fell in love with mountain lakes.

65th Collection

A charming stone house nestled in a Tuscany village where I met the kindest host and hostess. They open their house for a retreat facilitated by Sif Orellana for her famous sisterhood retreat. One of the best trips I had in recent years.

65th Collection

Early morning stroll in the floral market in Manhattan ….

65th Collection

A distant dream of Tuscany. Unreal cypress trees lining the edge of the horizon. Breathless sight.

64th Collection

New York Botanical Garden: a close study on hanging plants that twirled and mingled.

64th Collection

New York Botanical Gardens : finding beauty from a messy green plant. Life strives in every kind of condition…

64th Collection

New York Botanical Gardens : zooming into a micro world of smallness. Huge surprises to be found.

64th Collection

The best kind of food shopping at a small town in Tuscany open market… A 70s vibe .

64th Collection

Afternoon strolling in Kyoto mesmerizing quiet light, shapes, shadows and colors.

64th Collection

A glace on a buffet table in a Paris hotel. Sparking lights adorned some still wine wares. An ordinary sight under amazing light.

64th Collection

Gazing Swiss Alp in a majestic moment. Time stopped and mind exploded.

64th Collection

Tuscany countryside; my fairytale from a distant childhood storybook. It became reality when I finally found Val D’Orcia during my trip to Italy.

63rd Collection

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