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Collection Submissions:

Please, check whether your photos satisfy the general size requirements (minimum size is 1400px width x 800px height or 1080px width and 1350px height).
If you still can’t submit your photos, send us your photos at info@iphonephotoawards.com and we will upload it.

If you are sure that submitted images, which were not awarded previously, deserve being reconsidered, you may upload these photos for the next collection once again.

You can participate every month. At the end of the competition year, we count all awards and make a rating of the best Iphone photographers worldwide. The best photographers receive individually designed trophies!

All websites stripe the color profile because it is ignored by web browsers online, hence the color changes. However, you can get rid of the "color profile" with the help of Photoshop. You should choose "File → Save for the web". The "Save for the web" in Photoshop or any editing program will read the information in the color profile and apply it to the image. After that, you may upload images without losing colors.

After you upload images you should see them in your profile until the deadline. After the deadline, they will be automatically submitted. You can also find previously submitted photos by going to your profile and clicking on ‘Awards’.

No, only the real name of a photographer is allowed. You can mention your Studio/Business name in your profile and it will be displayed during posting on the Website and Instagram.
Please enter the contest using your real name. We will always display a credit alongside your photo as it appears on the Website and Instagram page. We do not accept photos with watermarks or descriptive text on it.

You can send us an email at info@iphonephotoawards.com and we will send you your photo. You can also request a logo/print photo if you need it and we will also send it to your email.